Setting Up Django Rest Framework with PostgreSQL on Mac and Pushing Code to GitHub

When working on a Django Rest Framework (DRF) project, integrating it with PostgreSQL provides a robust backend for your application. This guide walks you through setting up Django Rest Framework with PostgreSQL on a Mac, creating a local folder for your project, and pushing the code to GitHub.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

1.1 Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. Open your terminal and run:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

1.2 Install Python

Check if Python is installed:

python3 --version

I am using 3.13 while installing this project.

If not, install Python via Homebrew:

brew install python

1.3 Install PostgreSQL

Install PostgreSQL via Homebrew:

brew install postgresql

Start PostgreSQL:

brew services start postgresql

Verify PostgreSQL installation:

psql --version

I am using version 14.15 while installing this project.

Step 2: Create a Local Project Folder

2.1 Create a Folder on Your Mac

Create a folder named WKhamlou in your desired directory. For example:

mkdir WKhamlou
cd WKhamlou

2.2 Set Up a Virtual Environment

Inside the WKhamlou folder, create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv  
source venv/bin/activate

I am using venv as the name of the virtual environment.

Step 3: Install Django and Django Rest Framework

3.1 Install Django and Django Rest Framework

Install Django and DRF, along with PostgreSQL dependencies:

pip install django djangorestframework psycopg2-binary

3.2 Create the Django Project

Run the following command to create a Django project named todopress:

django-admin startproject todopress .

This will create a folder structure like this:

├── venv/              # Virtual environment
├──         # Django’s command-line utility
└── todopress/        # Project folder
    ├──   # Main configuration file
    ├──       # URL configuration

Step 4: Add an App to the Django Project

4.1 What Is a Django App?

A Django app is a modular component of a project. Each app handles a specific feature or functionality, such as a blog, user authentication, or in our case, a “to-do list”. Apps are reusable and can be added to multiple projects. For our project todopress, we will create an app called todo, which will handle all functionality related to managing to-do items.

4.2 Create the App

Run the following command to create the todo app:

python startapp todo

This will create the following folder structure:

├── venv/
├── todopress/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── ...
└── todo/
    ├── migrations/   # Database migrations
    │   └──
    ├──      # Admin interface
    ├──       # App configuration
    ├──     # Database models
    ├──      # Unit tests
    └──      # Business logic

4.3 Register the App in

Add the todo app to the INSTALLED_APPS section in todopress/




4.4 Why Modular Apps Are Important

By creating modular apps, you keep your project scalable and maintainable. For example, if you decide to add features like user authentication, notifications, or a calendar, you can create separate apps for each feature. This structure helps in organizing code and makes it easier to work collaboratively with other developers.

Step 5: Configure PostgreSQL with Django

5.1 Create a PostgreSQL Database

Start PostgreSQL if not yet started

brew services start postgresql

Log into PostgreSQL:

psql postgres

Create a database and user:

CREATE DATABASE todopress_devdb;
CREATE USER dev_user WITH PASSWORD 'Password2024';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE todopress_devdb TO dev_user;

Exit PostgreSQL:


5.2 Update

Modify the DATABASES section in todopress/

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'todopress_devdb',
        'USER': 'dev_user',
        'PASSWORD': 'Password2024',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',

Step 6: Apply Migrations, Create a Superuser, and Log In to the Admin Panel

6.1 Apply Migrations

Run the following commands:

python makemigrations
python migrate

6.2 Create a Superuser

Create a superuser to access the Django admin panel:

python createsuperuser

6.3 Start the Development Server

Run the development server:

python runserver

6.4 Log In to the Admin Panel

Open your browser and go to Use the superuser credentials to log in.

Step 7: Initialize Git and Push Code to GitHub

7.1 Initialize Git

Inside the WKhamlou folder, initialize Git:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

7.2 Push Code to GitHub
  1. Create a new repository on GitHub.
  2. Link the repository:
git remote add origin <repository_url>
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Code is now on Github.


In this guide, we created a Django project named todopress and added a modular app called todo. We also configured PostgreSQL, created a superuser, and pushed the code to GitHub. With this structure, you can easily add more apps to your project for additional functionality, making your application scalable and maintainable.

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